Should you wish to use our site you will need the following information:
- Name for your company (We suggest at least 3 alternatives that are as varies as possible and descriptive of what you plan doing)
- Full details of each shareholder and number of shares held (owners of the company) – Full names and postal address
- Full details of the directors – Clear copy of ID, residential, business and postal address, occupation and cellular phone number
- Registered address of business – Both a physical and postal address
- Financial year-end of business
Once you have the above mentioned information you must go through to this page. Once you have completed the questionnaire you will receive confirmation of your application. We will then prepare all documentation for you and you will be required to either sign a limited power of attorney or the actual documents, dependent on your preference.
This can all be done remotely and you are not required to come to our offices.
Let us assist you with your Company Registration today.